Sharing… A Crucial Innovation in Schools

A long time ago (no not in a galaxy far, far away)  I attended a session by Mark Prensky he had said something along the lines of the following.

We are All Learners

We are All Teachers

I added these questions and an additional statement. My contributions are in italics.

We are all learners….What did you learn today?

We are all teachers…What did you help someone learn today?

We are a Community… What did you share today?

I think if more people used these thoughts and statements to guide their thinking and learning our schools would be far more successful.  Imagine if everyday, you shared something you knew with another teacher…and understood that you had something to learn as well.

At the MACUL Conference recently Rushton Hurley  ( made the following comments in the sessions I attended.

Isolation is the most cancerous part of education


There is something cool happening every day, every teacher does it, maybe accidentally, but it happens sometime during the year.


The key to defeat the cancer that is isolation is to share…. Share with your fellow teachers, but not just in the teacher’s lounge. Share on Facebook, create a web page, a webmix, share on twitter. Administrators, make time available for teacher’s to share their successes and recognize the teachers who are stretching their skills and seeking new ideas.

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